Friday, September 6, 2013

What is a Stay-at-Home Family?

Hello again,

So, you might be newly married or a new mom or just making some significant changes in your family.  I would love to help!

Or, you might just want to peek in at "those people" who do this.  There are still some us out there.

In any case, the question is, "What does your family look like?"
Mind you, every family is beautifully unique, as should they be, but there tend to be some similarities.

My husband earns a living from his work - he owns his own business and works from home.
I do not earn a living from mine - to take care of the children, manage the home and provide meals for the family.  We both had a need to carve our own path and not work for others.
I homeschool my kindergarten-age son and he goes to a charter school once a week.  Our default neighborhood school just didn't feel right to me.  Plus, as a former teacher it gives me great joy to participate in his learning.
We are on a budget so that we can be in control of our lifestyle - saving where we need to and splurging where we can.
We are very diet conscientious, sticking mostly to vegetarian and organic meals made at home.  We like knowing what is in our foods and the result in our children is amazing.   We feel pretty great too.
I had all three of our children naturally and without complications or drugs.
We have a pediatrician but only use them for emergencies and yearly checkups.  I use home remedies and good nutrition for most everything else.

There are so many facets to this and I don't want to bore you, but the general trend is HOME.
Home is where the heart is.  The more diligently I pour myself into my family and my duties at home, the happier we all are.  Yes, it's old-fashioned but it works for us and we are sure avoiding many of society's ills.
We have a wonderful community of believers around us too, which is a huge component of our life.  It takes a village to raise a family.  I firmly believe that.  There's nothing like being surrounded by a group of loving friends who are there for you and vice-versa.  There's nothing like knowing people are praying for you and that God is there loving and protecting you.  But you don't have to be a believer in God to have a Stay-at-Home Family, just a desire to be a bit more thoughtful and present in your family's direction.

My husband sure appreciates me and my kids are healthy and happy.

Hope to see you soon!

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