Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to Get Your Children to Eat Veggies!

Many moms wrestle with the balance between nutrition and letting their kids enjoy themselves every now and then.  And, in speaking with many moms I know that it can be either a tad difficult or just impossible to make sure our kids are getting what they need.  Bottom line, kids would rather eat what tastes yummy over what is good for them.  Knowing what I have learned over the years about nutrition and disease over the years, it's downright dangerous for us to give in and just do what is easy.  I believe our job as parents includes setting them up to be healthy people.  Laying a foundation of good food choices is one of the best and most enduring gifts you can give your child.

So, here are some tips on how to ensure that your little ones eat their greens!!

1.  Start young - as soon as our children could eat solids, I would help them by giving one bite of what they didn't like so much followed by one bite of something tasty like unsweetened applesauce.
We also made homemade baby food by blending whatever nutritious meal we made so that their palate matched ours.  That way they got used to eating veggies and such as they grew.

2.  The one meal challenge - we insisted that our children eat what we ate, even if they didn't like it.  We didn't make separate meals for them ever.  I am not speaking to people with children that have food allergies or other physical conditions, because beyond dairy my children could eat anything, which made it easy for us all to eat together.

3.  Smoothies!- I found out by trial and error that most dark greens (something they need each day) like kale or spinach (I love the baby versions of both) are totally undetectable in a fruit smoothy!  I make one every day and it's the best multivitamin ever.  Here is one of many versions we make and they love it!
     Healthy Fruit Smoothy

    Into a blender add:
    1 banana
    2-3 cups berries, frozen
    2-3 handfuls dark greens (baby kale or baby spinach are my fav)
    1 cup or so almond or coconut milk
    3-4 cups water
    1 scoop vegetable protein powder, vanilla flavored (found in health food stores)
    1 Tbs ground flax seed

    Blend for 1-1/2 min or until smooth.  Serves 4 (2 large adult portions and 2 childrens' cups)

4.  Family salad time - The other day I wanted salad for lunch and I was tempted to make them a different lunch but changed my mind.  So, instead my 3 and 5 year olds jumped in and helped make it!  They cracked and peeled the hard-boiled eggs, put veggies in a the bowl and washed things for me.  I made the dressing myself but left out the honey.  Instead, in front of them I drizzled it over their salad after I had dressed the whole thing.  I tell you they oooed and ahhhed and mmmmed the whole time and wolfed down that salad!!  I was so encouraged.  Here is the salad we made.

    Healthy Fun Salad

    Into a large bowl add the following (all veggies mentioned were chopped)
    1 tomato
    2 green onions
    6 small baby bella mushrooms
    4 handfuls baby spinach
    1/2 cup craisins
    1/8 cup sunflower seeds
    2 hardboiled eggs
    2 med carrots, grated
    2 celery
    1/4 cup bleu cheese crumbles

    2 Tbs (or so) balsamic vinegar - they like the slight sweetness
    1 clove garlic, pressed
    1/8 cup olive oil
    1 Tbs dijon mustard
    1 tsp honey, which I drizzled separately on their salad instead

5.  Healthy treat bribery - if nothing else works, it seems to motivate our children when they envision a treat at the end of their healthy ordeal.  I know it seems like a cop out, but I have found ways to make even their treats leave them with some nutrition.  Here are some:

    Dark chocolate - I buy at least 70% and they love it.  One square of a bar does the trick and the health         benefits are amazing!!
    Organic animal crackers - at least they are organic and they are thrilled with 1 or 2
    Homemade pops - we bought a Zoku, which is a home pop maker.  It freezes any liquid in about 10 min,
    which means you can start the pops right around the time you start your bribery and they are done by the
    time you need them.  Frozen organic juice is delicious to them in a pop.  Here is a great recipe for
    chocolate pops that are very healthy and delicious:

    Homemade chocolate pops

    1 can coconut milk (the creamy kind)
    1/4 cup Hershey's cocoa powder (it's sugar free!! just cocoa solids!)
    1 Tbs agave syrup (because it blends better but use honey if you don't have agave)
    pinch salt
    whisk together and taste first - if you are satisfied, pour into pop molds (I recommend the Zoku)
    Homemade sorbet - Simply put frozen berries and apple or orange juice into either a blender or a                 container and use your stick blender.  I found my stick blender to work really well.  The kids think they
    eating ice cream, literally.

Anyway, hopefully these tips come in handy.  I would love to hear what you do!!
Take care,


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